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Twitter Gleefully Reacts to Donald Trump's Firing Of Campaign Manager, Corey Lewandowski

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | June 20, 2016 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | June 20, 2016 |

Despite the fact that Republican’s numbers usually jump after terror attacks, Donald Trump’s polling numbers continued to fall last week, even after Orlando. He’s made a series of huge missteps in recent weeks, doubling down on his anti-immigration policy, inviting ridicule by suggesting he’s a better friend to “the gays” than Hillary Clinton, suggesting a federal judge can’t be impartial because he is of Mexican descent, and repeatedly being called out for his lies by the media, which he is increasingly banning from covering his campaign.

Trump is in trouble. There’s not a single poll (even Rasmussen) that has him ahead, and some polls have him up to 12 points behind Hillary Clinton, and the Democrats are only now just starting to unify. Meanwhile Republicans are withdrawing their endorsements, holding them back, or even leaving the party. Several corporate sponsors have also decided to pull out of the Republican National Convention, including Apple, because they don’t want to be associated with the candidate.

The man is going down in flames, so what better to do than to scapegoat a bullying campaign manager like Corey Lewandowski, who was charged two months ago with assaulting a reporter (Florida did not, however, move ahead with the prosecution).

It’s bedlam. Twitter is full of hot takes this morning: