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Trevor Noah: 'I Don't Know What the F*ck Matt Lauer Was Doing'

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | September 9, 2016 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | September 9, 2016 |

We have not checked in with Trevor Noah in a while, and there was a point when The Daily Show could be trusted more than anyone to annihilate the media when it f*cked up, as it did on Wednesday night when Matt Lauer boned his job as moderator of the Commander in Chief forum. Though it lacked the layer of seething anger Jon Stewart used to bring, that’s exactly what Trevor Noah did last night, going point by point through the forum and cataloguing Lauer’s most egregious mistakes.

In a second segment, The Daily Show doubled down, trying to fact-check Donald Trump before concluding that the GOP candidate is a “total fucking nutjob” and that it’s a waste of a perfectly good fake journalism degree to try and fact check him.

Source: The Daily Show; clips via Uproxx