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Transition Updates: Trump Impeached a Second Time

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | January 13, 2021 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | January 13, 2021 |


6:15 — One week.

The President released a video, which seemed specifically targeted toward Mitch McConnell, as though to say, “Look! I said the right words? We good now?” I’m not going to post the video.

5:30 — Should have been a lot more GOP votes, but …

5:15 — Meanwhile, underneath a mountain of coke:

4:56 — F*ck Mitch McConnell and all the caveats, but I almost think this is fair. The next seven days are going to be insane enough.

4:23 — It’s official. Trump has been impeached for the second time. It will now move on to the Senate, which is not expected to pick it up until at least January 19th.

4:15 — They’re currently voting. It’s clear it will pass, although with few GOP votes. So far, there have been 8 GOP votes, which is enough to make it a “bipartisan” effort. I guess.

3:36 — Looks like Daddy talked her out of it.

3:03 — It would be impossible to sigh any louder.

2:47 — Hiding behind process.

1:48 — This guy is the 6th House Republican to publicly state he’d vote for impeachment.

1:33 — The House Republican leader at least isn’t defending Trump, but he is trying to find a way to get around impeaching him.

1:15 — The House will vote yes on Impeachment this afternoon. Pelosi will take the Article straight over to the Senate. McConnell, however, told Schumer that he would not call an emergency session to take up impeachment. He’s going to wait until the Senate regularly returns to session on the 19th.

12:45 — Yes, exactly. This is what we want to do. Cancel that asshole.

11:56 — AirBnB doesn’t want ANY part of it. What does Airbnb know about the people who have rented out places in D.C. that week, I wonder?

Meanwhile, the House GOP is lunacy. Some are now trying not to impeach Trump, but to boot Liz Cheney.

Contrast that with this:

10:50 — Impeachment hearings are ongoing for much of the day. The actual vote is expected to come around 4 p.m. According to Rep. Steny Hoyer, they are going to send the Article over to the Senate immediately, which means that an impeachment trial will happen sooner rather than later — it can’t start until the 19th, so it’s likely to run concurrently with Biden’s First 100 Days.

It also appears that there’s a better chance of the Senate getting the 17 Republican votes necessary to impeach than getting the same number of (unnecessary) votes from the House GOP, most of whom are still mired in Trumpism. Those dark red gerrymandered districts have produced some real nutjobs, some of whom were apparently in on the insurrection.

And those people? I mean, when you’ve lost Wal-Mart?!

Corporate America is trying to tell Congress something. Will they listen?

Also, ha!

9:30 — Part of me has thought that something like last week needed to happen for Republicans to finally break from Donald Trump, that the Republican party needed to hit rock bottom. But here’s the thing: I don’t think we’ve hit rock bottom, and there are elements of the Republican party who think this will all go away with Trump out of office, and there are elements of the Republican party who don’t realize how bad this is, and there are also elements of the Republican party who are very much part of these insurrection efforts and who need to be expelled.

We’ve also learned that one of the insurrectionists had Ted Cruz’s contact information in his truck.

The impeachment debate has just begun, and by the end of the day, Donald Trump will be the first (and probably only) President in the history of this nation to be impeached twice. He may ultimately be the first who is convicted by the Senate, because that’s the way things are moving, with McConnell backing impeachment efforts. Some of the Senate Republicans who declined to impeach the President may be doing so because they’re afraid of Trump’s supporters, of the violence they may inflict upon not just their careers, but on their bodies.

In fact, in the last 24 hours — as more and more information comes to the surface — the tone of all of this has shifted. This is not just about removing Trump from office, this is also about concerns of more violence. Political assassinations, lynchings, storming statehouses — that kind of violence. There are hundreds of thousands of these extremists — white supremacists and QAnon supporters — and they’ve been driven off of social media and into the fringes, on Telegram and Signal, where they’re trying to organize more violence, and they’re doing so on encrypted services that make it harder for authorities to track.

This is what a lot of Republicans are beginning to understand about these groups: They’re coming after them.

The Republican party has created a monster that has consumed the party, but that also may destroy it from the inside. Trumpism is f**king scary, as we have seen with the videos and images that have come out of the insurrection. These people are violent extremists, they do not fear consequences, and they may not stop until they have reclaimed the Presidency for an unhinged, deranged authoritarian. I am not being dramatic. I am not being hyperbolic. There will be more violence.

A lot of Republicans — the rank-and-file are just now waking up to who they are really in bed with, and Donald Trump is only going to make it worse until he’s essentially impeached himself. In an email this morning, my father-in-law — one of those bad-ass hippie farmer live-free-or-die sons of bitches who lives in rural New Hampshire — laid it out. I think he’s right:

Two things could, and probably would swing the Senate 2/3, and the second is violence at the inaugural.

But much more definitive will be Trump’s impending pardon of himself.

He has just lost hundreds of millions in corporate business accounts. He’s deeply in debt to Deutschebank, which is not in a position to want to be identified with him anymore. He’s likely to be indicted on any number of counts in New York state (and shame on New York State for not throwing the book at him years ago, but that’s another story.)

He has basically got an Evil Knievel-level need for attention, a Jeffrey Epstein-level of legal liability, a “reality” fixated on fantasies of “getting back what belongs to him” in 2024, and a metabolism fueled by Diet Coke.

So … he pardons himself and his kiddos, but he has to do more than that because he has to keep his base (as he perceives, or has been led to perceive it). So, in addition to Rudy Giuliani and a few dozen others, he waves his wand over everyone indictable for the events before and during the violence on the 6th.

That’s when the chamber of commerce-level GOP finally admits to itself that it’s just spent 1,200 nights in a hotel room full of bazookas, Nazi regalia, and Confederate style race ideology with a dominatrix who has its wife’s e-mail address. It has to find a way to say it never had sex with that woman.

There’s your impeachment vote.

I think he’s absolutely right. Meanwhile, Ivanka Trump — after all this — thinks she’s going to ride it out and become the President herself one day, and all she needs to do is attend Biden’s inauguration.

Oh, Ivanka. You poor, dumb child.