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Damnit to Hell: This Is Going To Get Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein Fired

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | September 21, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | September 21, 2018 |


According to leaked memos from fired FBI agent Andrew McCabe — who memorialized the account — early in 2017, only weeks after Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein took over in his new job, he proposed recording Donald Trump to collect enough evidence to invoke the 25th Amendment. He even went so far as to suggest recruiting the White House Chief of Staff and Attorney General Jeff Sessions into the scheme.

Rod Rosenstein disputes the story. Someone who was in the room when the remark was made also said that it was a sarcastic suggestion, but “according to the others who described his comments, Mr. Rosenstein not only confirmed that he was serious about the idea but also followed up by suggesting that other F.B.I. officials who were interviewing to be the bureau’s director could also secretly record Mr. Trump.”

McCabe has provided no comment on the story.

My takeaway: Trump is going to blow his stack. He is going to use this as the pretext to finally fire Deputy AG Rosenstein. It will consume the media for the next week. Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation will take a backseat amid speculation about who will replace Rosenstein (and thus be in charge of the Mueller probe). Dr. Blasey moves to Page Two, Kavanaugh sails through his confirmation hearings, and by this time next week, the Mueller probe will be dangerously close to getting shut down and Kavanaugh will be on the Supreme Court.

Goddamnit, Rosenstein.