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Update: Jeff Flake Makes Some Sort of Deal

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | September 28, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | September 28, 2018 |


2:36: Murkowski is on board with Flake’s plan. That’s all that’s needed.

2:00: This is incredibly bizarre. Kavanaugh has been voted out of committee. However, it appears that Jeff Flake has forced a week-long delay of a vote on the floor for an FBI investigation. Jeff Flake says he won’t vote for Kavanaugh on the floor unless there is an FBI investigation. Flake has suggested that he will make a request to the White House for that FBI investigation. There is no vote for this, apparently. It’s a “gentleman and women’s agreement,” according to Grassley. This only matters if McConnell approves the investigation, and McConnell will only approve it if Flake, Susan Collins, and Lisa Murkowski all stick together and agree to vote “no” unless there is an FBI investigation.

It’s something, I guess. Though even if the FBI investigates, it’s no guarantee that any of the Republicans will change their mind.

Trump is even being bizarrely agreeable.

1:35 p.m.: No idea what’s going on now. A commotion. Many Senators have left the room to discuss something in the anteroom. Flake seems to be at the center of the commotion. He had discussions with Murkowski and Collins earlier. The Committee room, which had most of the Senators in it a few minutes ago, now has very few left.

Don’t get your hopes up.


Update: Jeff Flake is a yes, which means that Kavanaugh will get through the Senate Judiciary Committee. There will be a full Senate vote next week.

The Democrats attempted to subpoena Mark Judge. It failed.

Terrible day in America.


All the testimony is in now, and aside from the fact that the American Bar Association is asking for a delay on Kavanaugh’s confirmation until an investigation can be performed, there’s no more news on this. Corker is a yes. Collins, Murkowski, and Flake are “undecided.” We’re at the “think piece” portion of the proceedings, and even that’s likely to be moot later this morning after the Judiciary Committee (presumably) pushes Kavanaugh through.

I don’t have a think piece for you, or in me. There’s nothing at this point that I can write that would make anyone see this any differently. I have no talking points to wield against your Trump supporting co-workers or friends. There’s no new way to see this, or another perspective on it.

In a nutshell, two people gave testimony. The person with the least amount to gain from it asked for an FBI investigation. The person with the most to lose rejected an investigation. Putting aside everything else — Kavanaugh’s histrionics, the conspiracy theories, the yelling, the crying, the entitlement, the lying — and that basically says all there is to be said.

Mark Judge should be questioned by the FBI. Mark Judge should be questioned by the Senators. But, Kavanaugh kept repeating, he signed a statement under the penalty of perjury. Yeah, well, so did Julia Swetnick, and she said that Kavanaugh drugged and raped women. Why does the sworn affidavit of a man who admits to a history of alcoholism and sexual assault — who wrote about it — carry more weight than that of a woman with multiple government security clearances?

Basically, this all boils down to one thing.

The country is broken. Angry, petulant, entitled white men run it. It will be even more broken if Brett Kavanaugh is rammed through. The only way to fix it is to vote better people into office. The end.

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