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Briefly: The Surest Sign Something is 100 Percent True is When Trump Calls It a 'Hoax'

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | July 1, 2020 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | July 1, 2020 |

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Remember the Russian hoax? The sexual harassment hoax? The impeachment hoax? The global warming hoax? The coronavirus hoax? The latest one? The Russian bounty hoax.

If there was any doubt in your mind about the Russian bounty story, this should put it to bed. Also this:

And this:

And this:

There is nothing hoax-y about the Russian bounty story. Trump either knew about it and did nothing because he didn’t want to strain relationship with Vladimir Putin, or he didn’t know it because the intelligence community didn’t want to tell him because of his relationship with Vladimir Putin.

Meanwhile, the only thing hurting the property values on Fifth Avenue is the name “Trump” Tower, fool.