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Hillary please.jpg

The Solution To Hillary's 'Bitch' Problem? Lean Into It

By Emily Cutler | Politics | October 23, 2015 |

By Emily Cutler | Politics | October 23, 2015 |

Hillary Clinton has a likability problem. This is:

1) Not a problem specific to her (hello there, Mitt Romney).

2) Not unrelated to sexism. I’ll allow other, smarter writers to deal with the meat of that issue, but it’s an unseemly mixture of preferring traditionally masculine traits in our leaders while rejecting those qualities in women. She wants to be a leader, she behaves like most leaders do, and we dislike her for it.

But really I’m not here to dissect that issue. I’m just here to offer solutions. So, Hillary? May I call you Hillary because that’s what you’ve asked us to call you? You need to lean into the bitch.

You are never more likable than when you’re HBICing all over the place. This picture?

Hillary on phone.jpg

That should be in all of your campaign material.

You know what we don’t care about?
Hillary SNL.png
It’s fine. It shows you have at least enough of a sense of humor about yourself to be in on the joke. But it’s also been done before. Your husband let his political hair down 23 years ago. So a trip to SNL isn’t revolutionary.

And it’s not working. This is.

I found that on Facebook. And I mean, like everywhere on Facebook. That Vine might become sentient and created its own profile for as often as I saw it posted.

But that’s just from her most recent testimony in front of Congress about Benghazi. What about one of the last several times she’s been in front of the committee?
Hillary I Get Shit Done.png
Yup. That sounds about right. Oh and this face?
Hillary Benghazi.jpg
If anyone ever tells you to stop making that face, you fire that person. You were dealing with some straight up bullshit, and that’s the face you make when someone’s trying to give you some bullshit.

Middle America might tell you they don’t want a bitch in the White House. I say fuck Middle America. You want people to like you? Be yourself. And I’m pretty sure “yourself” is a boss. You and a generation of women dedicated yourselves to making sure that younger generations could be in positions of power and be taken seriously in their careers. You’ve made yourself one of the most successful women in the history of U.S. politics, and you had to be a badass bitch to get there. You keep being that badass bitch, and we’ll love you for it.
Hillary Badass.jpg