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The Obamas Awkwardly Greet Donald Trump Ahead of George H.W. Bush's Funeral Service

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | December 5, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | December 5, 2018 |


Funeral services are being held for George H.W. Bush at the moment. We’ve avoided that subject all week because, you know, I understand he was a great guy to the wealthy, powerful people that surrounded him, and to his family, but you know: Gay people, people of color, poor people, young women who take photos with him? Not so much. But hey! The pictures of his dog in front of his casket have been really touching.

Anyway, about that service in the National Cathedral: It’s one of the few times we get to see all the surviving Presidents together, and when it was just the Clintons and Obamas, it was relaxed and chatty.

How’s it going? Good to see you guys. How are the holidays? Too bad about the Cubs. Cold day, huh? Should be a beautiful service.

And then Donald Trump walks in.

Obama: “Hi Melania. Good morning ‘Sup, Trump?”

Bill: “Is he going to reach over to shake hands? I mean, I’ll shake his hand if he makes a motion because I’m a people pleaser, but I don’t really want to. Nope, nope. It looks like he’s not gonna. Whew.”

Hillary: *blinders*

Everyone look straight ahead. Don’t acknowledge anyone to your left or right. This will all be over in a few hours.