By Dustin Rowles | Politics | August 18, 2016 |
By Dustin Rowles | Politics | August 18, 2016 |
What? There is literally no context for that Tweet. What is gong on? Whatever it is, Twitter had a grand time with it. Let’s do this (based on who I follow on Twitter, there’s gong to be a lot of film references here).
Mr. Brexit is my least favorite big beat electronica group from the 90s.
— Rachel Fisher (@TheRachelFisher) August 18, 2016
Mr. Brexit was my least favorite RESERVOIR DOGS character.
— Scott Tobias (@scott_tobias) August 18, 2016
— david ehrlich (@davidehrlich) August 18, 2016
(who do you think you arrrrrre?)
(you’re never gonna get my love)
Pretty sure Mr Brexit was a Bond villain. Robert Shaw's sidekick in From Russia With Love.
— Sinister Farce (@twlldun) August 18, 2016
They call me Mr. Brexit!
— neontaster (@neontaster) August 18, 2016
Explainer: Mr. Brexit was the endearingly oafish next-door neighbor in Mary Poppins, Trump's favorite movie.
— Nate Silver (@NateSilver538) August 18, 2016
— TrainWreckTrump (@DonkeyLeader) August 18, 2016
1. he’s leaving the campaign
2. he’s staring in a movie called Mr. Brexit
3. this is a butt tweet
"What even are words?"
— Skateboard Academic (@sargoth) August 18, 2016
"Call me mr brexit"
Please, my FATHER was 'Mr. Brexit', call me 'Creepy Undead Kid Looming In The Background'
— Nick Amadeus (@NickAmadeus) August 18, 2016
-One year's time-
— Hugo (@Hugo__OS) August 18, 2016
"Daddy, who's that crazy homeless man screaming outside of Trump Tower"
"That's Mr Brexit son, stay away from him"
We'll know we've really reached the low point of the superhero movie craze when Mr. Brexit gets his own squad.
— J.H. Swanson (@jh_swanson) August 18, 2016
… and scene.