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Ted Cruz Is Just So Bad At This

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | February 4, 2021 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | February 4, 2021 |


We mentioned a couple of days ago — in the context of Senator Ted Cruz’s incoherent misunderstanding of superhero movies — that his all-time favorite film is The Princess Bride. In fact, Cruz expressed outrage when the cast of Princess Bride reunited for a reading of the script to support the Democratic party.

Meanwhile, the star of Princess Bride has since weighed in on Cruz’s garbled superhero theory:

You’d think that’d be the burn this post was written to introduce. Nope. Because Ted Cruz is so dumb that he actually responded to Cary Elwes, believing that he was going to somehow win this round of Twitter dunks:

Reader: He did not win this round.

F**king ouch.