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Mentally Unstable Donald Trump Tries, Spectacularly Fails to Reach Out to Bernie Supporters

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | July 25, 2016 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | July 25, 2016 |

Bernie Sanders will speak tonight at the Democratic National Convention, three days after Wikileaks dumped 20,000 emails from DNC officials, some showing that the DNC had a clear bias for Hillary (again, not surprising given that Bernie was never a Democrat). Bernie called for the head of DNC head Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and Bernie got it. Nevertheless, Bernie has been surprisingly mute about the scandal, and — unless there is a Ted Cruz-like surprise in the making — is poised to help unify the party in his speech tonight.

What’s confusing, however, is Trump’s angle on Bernie supporters. There have been suggestions that Trump might make a play for the hardcore Bernie supporters who might otherwise refuse to vote for Hillary. If that’s the case, I have no idea what Trump was trying to accomplish on Twitter during an unusually heavy day of tweets (even for Trump).

Here was a good opportunity to maybe grab a few Bernie voters by showing sympathy for him, but instead, Trump suggests that he’s a fraud.

Here, he seems to be reaching out to Bernie supporters in his own Trumpian way.

Here, he says that Hillary disrespected Bernie, but also that Bernie is totally “weak.”

Is this another attempt to reach out? “Tim Kaine sucks. Vote for me!”

This is just patently untrue. And dumb. Even without Superdelegates, Hillary has 350 more delegates than Bernie.

Oh wait, Bernie is pathetic now?

And sad!

And exhausted.

After crapping all over the DNC head, Trump is now calling Hillary disloyal for not sticking by her side, and also taking another shot at Bernie. THE MAN HAS NO FILTER.

And now he’s reaching out again!

What are you doing, Trump? Is there any method at all to his madness, or is he just plain fucking insane? If you want to win over Bernie supporters, you have to be nice to their candidate, or at least show him some respect. SAD!