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Samantha Bee Calls Out Ivanka Trump For Being a Feckless C*nt

By Kristy Puchko | Politics | May 31, 2018 |

By Kristy Puchko | Politics | May 31, 2018 |


Ivanka Trump wants you to think she cares. She wants you to see her beauty and elegance and wealth, and stop short of seeing the ugliness, corruption, and dangers that lie behind it. She wants you to think she has the ear of the president unless she doesn’t. She wants to hawk her products by playing the perfect pretty wife and daughter and mother. And Samantha Bee is not buying her bullshit.

On Full Frontal With Samantha Bee, the cutthroat comedian tears into Ivanka for the tone-deaf photo she shared while news outlets reported that ICE is tearing children out of their parents’ arms at the border. Bee breaks down the disastrous policies that treat undocumented immigrants worse than animals, and how it’s only gotten worse under President Donald Trump. And for good measure, Bee throws a dig at racist Roseanne Barr and her Ambien nonsense. Because fuck the lot of them.

UPDATE: The clip from Full Frontal has been removed from YouTube, and Samantha Bee has since apologized: