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Rudy Giuliani Stepped In It, Big Time

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | July 30, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | July 30, 2018 |


I’m going to try and TL;DR this video for you best I can because it’s confusing for both the Fox News anchors here, and anyone who is trying to make sense of it. The short version is this: This morning on Fox News (and CNN), Giuliani denied that the President was in attendance at a second Trump Tower meeting between Don Jr., Kushner, Manafort, and Rick Gates to talk about strategizing for the Trump Tower meeting that we all know about three days before the Trump Tower meeting we know about. Ahead of that meeting, Don Jr. walked into the President’s office and allegedly said, “The meeting is about to start.”

But here’s the thing: We didn’t even know that there was a second meeting until Giuliani opened his big stupid mouth.

So, Giuliani called Fox News back this afternoon to explain that the second meeting — which Giuliani described in detail — didn’t happen, but if it did happen, Trump wasn’t there.

Apparently, there were suggestions that Cohen was going to leak the second meeting to the press, but that the media decided not to report the story (or at least, not yet, because maybe they were still trying to verify it). In a matter of speaking, Giuliani verified the existence of the meeting by denying that Trump was in attendance.

All of this naturally left the Fox News anchors Harris Faulkner and Melissa Francis (who are actual “news” anchors, and not of the Fox & Friends variety) absolutely befuddled.

Melissa Francis: I don’t think any of that addresses the question of why you would say that he wasn’t at the meeting.

Giuliani: Er, uh.

Francis: Why are you saying that the President wasn’t at the meeting [if the meeting didn’t exist]? Who asked if he was there? No one asked if he was there.

Giuliani: Cohen is alleging that a meeting took place [again, this allegation has not been made public), and we’re making it clear that the President was not at that meeting. Cohen doesn’t even allege that.

Francis: It’s different to say, ‘That meeting didn’t happen,’ but to say he wasn’t there implies that it happened, and he wasn’t there.’

So, there was definitely a second meeting, and Don Jr. definitely told Trump that it was happening, but Trump definitely did not collude, but if he did collude, it is definitely not a crime.