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On Kimmel, President Obama Reads Mean Tweets, Mic Drops on Trump

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | October 25, 2016 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | October 25, 2016 |

I don’t want to alarm you folks, but while you’re excitedly counting down the days until the election is over (14), the number of days until Obama leaves office (86) is growing ever-closer, as well. Sure, on November 8th, we won’t have to put up with Trump anymore, but also won’t be seeing Barack and Michelle Obama out on the campaign trail. There’s going to be an election, then Thanksgiving will sneak up on us, then Christmas and New Year’s, and before you know it, President Obama will slink out into his private life and he will cease to be an everyday presence in our lives.

So, while it will be nice to move past this toxic election, it will come at a cost: We won’t get to see President Obama mock and belittle the GOP nominee. That I’m going to miss, so bask in this final edition of Jimmy Kimmel’s “President Obama Reads Mean Tweets About Himself.”