By Dustin Rowles | Politics | May 5, 2016 |
By Dustin Rowles | Politics | May 5, 2016 |
Republican pundit and former presidential candidate Pat Buchanan was on NPR this morning, because when Donald Trump is the GOP candidate, that’s what news organizations have to do to present a balanced perspective. In spite of what many conservatives who disagree with “facts” might believe, NPR is an objective news organization, and the fact that they gave time to Pat Buchanan is evidence of why. Short of going to a Klan rally, it’s the best they could do to provide the Trump perspective.
And what does Buchanan believe? Essentially that the more diverse our country gets, the more America sucks.
“That period will be reached in 2042, or 2041. We’re about 25 years away from the fact that European-Americans will be a minority in the United States. [That’s a problem because] I look at Europe, and I look all over the world, and I see peoples everywhere at each other’s throats over issues of ethnicities and identities.We had enormous success, we had high immigration from 1890 to 1920, a time when all those folks from Southern Europe were assimilated and Americanized. They learned English. I went to school with the sons and daughters of these people and we created a really united country where 97 percent of us spoke English in 1960.
Now in half the homes in California, people speak a language other than English in their own homes. Anybody that believes that a country can be maintained that has no ethnic core, or no linguistic core, I believe is naive to the extreme.
I don’t care how that language sits with people. My job is to tell the truth.
Asked how having a diverse cultural identity and diverse languages undermines the American identity, Buchanan demurred. Asked why America was better when it was more white, Buchanan offered that it was “more like the America that I grew up in, which was a pretty good country.”
Sure, Buchanan, if you like Jim Crow laws, and a country predominantly ran by white men, then I guess America was a “pretty good country.” For racists.
He went on to suggest that the Republican party, which voted conclusively for Donald Trump, also believes that, essentially, a whiter America is a better America, and suggested that the general election will be a kind of referendum on the issue of whether America prefers a whiter America to a more diverse one.
In fact, Buchanan believes that he was ahead of his time when he ran for President in 1992, and that Trump essentially stands for what he stood for back then. Now Trump is winning on that issue. “I don’t see how you can deny that … when someone like Donald Trump comes out of nowhere and wins the Republican nomination,” he said, suggesting, in effect, that he was the OG Trump.
2041 can’t get here fast enough.
Source: NPR