By Courtney Enlow | Politics | June 10, 2016 |
By Courtney Enlow | Politics | June 10, 2016 |
Recently, an image purporting to be the effects of a meeting betwixt a female Donald Trump supporters and some mean gang of lib’ruls made the rounds.
Except, of course, this wasn’t a Trump supporter who met her fate at the hands of liberal bears, but actress Samara Weaving from Ash vs. Evil Dead. Bruce Campbell himself even came down from the heavens to point this out.
Check your facts, folks. This is an actress named Samara Weaving from #AshVsEvilDead. This is a make-up test. Sad.
— Bruce Campbell (@GroovyBruce) June 8, 2016
But of course this isn’t the only incident of horrific and unspeakable violence perpetrated by so-called progressives against pure and innocent Trump supporters, just frolicking around picking daisies and singing hymns.
This Trump supporter was just minding his business, bothering no one, heiling Hitler when a group of liberal Shillary supporters did this to him. SAD.
These women eventually made up, but the blond Bernie fan did plenty of damage to this Trump supporter. SAD.
This feminazi was kicked out of a Phoenix rally, luckily, but this is how she behaved on her way out. Not very ladylike and totally immature. SAD.
This is how a so-called peaceful liberal showed up to a Trump rally. And they say they hate guns?! SAD.
This woman came up to this man out of nowhere and said “DEATH TO ALL MEN, I’M VOTING FOR HILLARY JUST BECAUSE SHE’S A WOMAN JUST LIKE WE ALL ARE OBVIOUSLY” and attacked him. SAD.
Finally, this young man was supporting his college Young Republicans when a man came up and cut his hand off. How is this monster not in jail? Probably another paid shill for Crooked Hillary. SAD.
So be on high alert and don’t listen to the liberal elitist media. You sheep. SAD.