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Now Might Be a Great Time to Pass Legislation to Protect Bob Mueller's Special Counsel Investigation

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | August 1, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | August 1, 2018 |


As the Manafort trial continues; as Giuliani continues to stick his foot into his mouth up to the knee; as Trump’s legal team continues to put off a Mueller deposition; as Mueller starts looking into Trump’s tweets for evidence of obstruction; as Don Jr. faces potential perjury charges; and as Mueller continues to indict Russian hackers, I guess Trump thought, “You know what? Fuck it. I’m gonna call for Mueller’s head.”

Yeah. He went there. Granted, there’s nothing that Sessions can do about it because he’s been recused. All the same, Trump is officially calling for the end of the Mueller probe. How long until he fires someone?

From Bloomberg:

“Jeez,” gasped Republican Senator Susan Collins of Maine as she was read the president’s tweet in an interview. “This is unbelievable.”

“Those comments are totally inappropriate,” she added. “The president should not be talking about the investigation at all.”

You think now might be a good time to pass legislation to protect Mueller? What do you think, McConnell? Paul Ryan? Graham? Now? NOW?


Convicted of nothing? THAT’S WHAT THE FUCKING TRIAL HE IS CURRENTLY ENDURING IS FOR, HOSS. And he’s in solitary confinement because he wouldn’t stop witness tampering! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?

(Image via NBC)