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Nobody Likes Donald Trump Anymore

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | April 8, 2016 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | April 8, 2016 |

It may be too-little, too-late for Bernie supporters because Hillary is leading in the polls in the three largest primary states remaining — New York, Pennsylvania, and California — but Hillary has lost the argument that she is the only candidate who could win in the general election, assuming that it is Donald Trump that ultimately pulls out the nom. At this point, Donald Trump couldn’t win against Zack Snyder’s Superman in the general election this November.

A new poll has come out — and it’s a legit one, from the Associated Press and everything — and it shows that nobody likes Donald Trump anymore. He has a whopping 70 percent unfavorable rating among all voters. Almost half of Republicans view him unfavorably; 70 percent of Southerners don’t like him, and even the majority of his base — 55 percent of white men without a college education — dislike him.

The man is a goddamn disaster, viewed even more unfavorably than Congress. Congress! Even the lead rapper for House of Pain hates him.

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This is great news for Bernie and Hillary supporters, unless of course Trump’s support dwindles so low that he’s unable to secure the nomination at the Republican convention and Ted Cruz also fails to win on a second ballot in a contested convention and someone else, like Paul Ryan or Nikki Haley swoops in a steals the nomination, in which case all the damage that Bernie and Hillary are currently inflicting on one another could come back and bite us in the ass. (Be nice to each other, H & B!)

In other words, hang in there, Trump, just a little bit longer, because I really want to see how you spin the biggest landslide defeat since Goldwater.