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Nikki Haley Unexpectedly Resigns as UN Ambassador

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | October 9, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | October 9, 2018 |


Donald Trump has accepted the resignation of Nikki Haley — one of the few women, and one of a tiny number of “moderate” Republicans in Trump’s Administration. According to Axios, she apparently discussed her resignation last week, much to the surprise of many in the White House.

I have no idea why, or what this means (although, it might mean she’s running in 2020). She was one of the few in the Trump Administration who kind of, sort of made a show of standing up to Trump, and some of her policies clearly differed from those of the President.

But she was still a Trumper, and she stuck with him through a lot of heinous bullshit, so we’re not throwing any parades for her bravery here.

She is expected to meet with the President shortly. She is also the first of many Republicans expected to resign in the coming months, though many are waiting until after the midterms. The fact that Haley is not may be of some import. Or maybe she was just fed up. Or maybe she was about to be investigated for something. Who knows?

Update: Trump announcing the resignation alongside Haley in the Oval. Read into her body language whatever you’d like.