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Morning Briefing: More Roy Moore Fallout, and Victim-Shaming Sean Hannity Must Be Fired

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | November 10, 2017 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | November 10, 2017 |


— Bob Mueller is investigating Michael Flynn plot to kidnap cleric, Fethullah Gulen (who lives in Pennsylvania) and return him to Turkey in exchange for “millions of dollars.

— George Papadapoulos isn’t happy that Trump has thrown him under the bus, after George Papadopoulos lied for the President.

— So, about that pee pee tape? It may or may not exist, but we now know that — at the very least — there was a basis for believing it happened. Donald Trump’s former bodyguard, Keith Schiller, testified that a foreigner did offer to send 5 women to Trump’s hotel room while he was in Russia for the Miss Universe pagaent. Schiller says that Trump rejected the offer.

Roy Moore

— On Roy Moore, the Vice President says he should resign “if” the allegations are true:

The White House, via Sarah Sanders, says the same:

— More on Roy Moore:

“This is what happens when you let reckless, incompetent idiots like Steve Bannon go out and recruit candidates who have absolutely no business running for the U.S. Senate,” said Josh Holmes, a former McConnell aide.

— Alas, Roy Moore — who has adopted the Trump defense to these allegations (deny, call it fake news, ignore) is actually fundraising on the charges:

Enjoy the next month, Republicans:

Meanwhile,#RoyMooreChildMolester is trending on Twitter this morning:

Sean Hannity

— Finally, the show that Sean Hannity put together last night was reprehensible. Fox News is awful, but this was beyond what we can usually expect from even Fox News. He basically called women liars using the Bible to call them out, while also saying that what happened between Moore and a 14-year-old was “consensual.” He called a story with 30 sources baseless and suggested that the women who came forward were doing it “for the money.” It was appalling, and Hannity is unhinged. I don’t know how James and Lachlan Murdoch can allow him to continue.

Anyway, if you have a Twitter account or a Facebook account, give a shout out to Hannity’s advertisers, and tell them you won’t support their products if they continue to advertise on his show.