By Dustin Rowles | Politics | March 22, 2018 |
By Dustin Rowles | Politics | March 22, 2018 |
I am of two minds on Uncle Joe, who said yesterday he’d take Donald Trump “behind the gym” and “beat the hell” out of him. On the one hand, I’m like: Joe, c’mon. Stay out of this. Don’t stoop to Trump’s level. On the other hand, I’m like: Man, Uncle Joe really rattled Trump this morning.
The President of the Untied States is such a tremendous asshole.
— Brian Hance (@BrianHance) March 22, 2018
Not that it matters, because a fight between a sitting President and a former VP would never happen (although, I’d pay $99 to see it on Pay Per View), but Uncle Joe would drop Trump like a sack of potatoes. I seriously doubt that Trump has ever been in a real fight in his life. Also, McDonald’s.
But yes: As this fella points out, the pressure is clearly getting to Trump.
Trump is facing one criminal investigation, a defamation law suit, two extramarital sex scandals (no doubt with resultant joy at home), a demoralized White House bleeding staff and the prospect of an electoral shellacking that could speed his impeachment. The pressure is showing.
— Andrew Beatty (@AndrewBeatty) March 22, 2018
That was fun, Joe. But let’s leave it at that, OK?
Now, if Arnie wanted to pick a fight …
— Let’s see, what else is going on this morning? I’m sure you’ve heard by now that Andrew McCabe — who was fired by Jeff Sessions for his alleged “lack of candor” — had actually started an investigation into Jeff Sessions for his “lack of candor” during his Senate confirmation hearings. Sessions claims he didn’t know that when he fired McCabe, and that may be true because Sessions probably fired him on orders from Trump, anyway.
— Remember yesterday when I was talking about things we can feel optimistic about? Here’s three more things:
+ Breitbart’s traffic has dropped by 51 PERCENT since October. In fact, traffic to a lot of conservative sites has taken a huge hit, especially since the Facebook algorithm change. (Full disclosure: We took a fairly minor hit, as well).
+ The funding bill, which may not get a vote in time to stave off yet another government shutdown, purportedly only gives Trump $1.6 billion for his wall (he asked for $25 billion). He’s been trying to bait the Democrats into a deal to exchange $25 billion in funding for the wall for protections for DACA recipients, but the court system has already offered a temporary reprieve to DACA recipients, so Trump lost his leverage for now.
+ In that spending bill, Congress also rejected Betsy DeVos’ agenda. She had sought a 5 percent reduction in overall funding, plus $1 billion for school choice programs. Congress will increase funding by about 5 percent (including additional money for mental health) and refused to fund her school choice program. For the most part, Congress did exactly the opposite of what DeVos wanted (suck it, Betsy).
— CBS has announced that it will finally move ahead with the 60 Minutes interview with Stormy Daniels on Sunday.
— That guy that Donald Trump congratulated after he was told not to congratulate him? Seems there might have been some ballot stuffing in his election over the weekend.
Russia re-elected Vladimir Putin as president on Sunday and 17 Reuters reporters spent the day at 12 polling stations across the country to keep an eye on how things went down. Here is just some of what we saw
— Jack Stubbs (@jc_stubbs) March 21, 2018
— If you’re into backstabbing stories within the White House, this should brighten your day. The two leading candidates to take over for Hope Hicks are sh*tting all over each other in an effort to win the most thankless job in the Administration, one which they will probably have for less than a year. What’s even more amusing is that, right now, it looks like neither one of them will get the position.
— In other news, who are the snowflakes again?
this is some of the most egregious narc shit i have seen in all my years
— Ashley Feinberg (@ashleyfeinberg) March 22, 2018