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Michelle Wolf Delivered a Vicious, Uncomfortable White House Correspondents' Dinner Speech

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | April 28, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | April 28, 2018 |


Michelle Wolf, a correspondent on The Daily Show with Trevor Noah, delivered this year’s White House Correspondents’ Dinner Speech speech. You might think that since Donald Trump refused to attend (he’s out in Michigan ranting and raving about the same old bullshit) that there wouldn’t be any stakes to Wolf’s speech. You’d be wrong, because Trump sent several of his aides to the dinner, and those aides had to sit uncomfortably while they were being skewered.

It wasn’t your typical roast-style jokes, either. These jokes burned in deep, uncomfortable places. For instance, comparing Sarah Huckabee Sanders to Aunt Lydia in Handmaid’s Tale while Sarah Huckabee Sanders sat three seats away. No one looked more uncomfortable during the speech than Sanders (and briefly, Kellyanne Conway).

This is the Sanders section, the most awkward 90 seconds of the speech.

It was a great, daring and hilarious speech. If Trump had been there, he’d have walked off, or had Michelle Wolf arrested. She was vicious.

Here it is in its entirety.