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Melania Still Won't Hold His Damn Hand

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | August 17, 2020 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | August 17, 2020 |

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It’s been one of those days, folks, although I suspect that things will turn around tonight during the Democratic National Convention. Meanwhile, the House is also set to return to D.C. to try and take care of this USPS business, although I am not entirely sure what one chamber of Congress can do without the aid of the Senate and the executive branch. The Postmaster General, however, has agreed to testify, and Katie Porter is ready.

Meanwhile, this video made the rounds this morning and I didn’t want to be a petty asshole and post it, but it’s eight hours later, and nothing has brought me more joy all day than this. So, here I am: Being a petty asshole.

You know what I love most about this? Melania is a horrible human being. And Donald Trump — for like the 10th time, publicly, during his Administration — cannot even get his horrible wife to hold his hand. It’s the little things, honestly.

Header Image Source: Getty Images