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Mayor Bill de Blasio Finally Gets Some Press Attention ... For Dropping Out

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | September 20, 2019 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | September 20, 2019 |


Bill de Blasio — who is somehow still mayor of NYC until 2021 (there’s a good race to jump into, Cynthia Nixon) — has dropped his bid to be the Democratic nominee for the 2020 Presidential election, gaining more press in his withdrawal than basically his entire campaign. Wait, correction: He actually gained quite a bit of press when only 15 people attended a rally of his last month in Iowa.

I’m not sure exactly what de Blasio was running on — some generic form of progressivism — but based on his performance in the debates, I’m pretty sure his entire campaign was predicated upon mansplaining other people’s ideas to the American public. “Oh, sure! Elizabeth Warren’s got a plan, but let me tell you about it, only louder and manlier!” I’m not sure how de Blasio actually won re-election in 2017, but a quick look at Wikipedia suggested it was because no one formidable bothered to run against him.

“I feel like I have contributed all I can to this primary election,” de Blasio said on Morning Joe today. He’s right. He contributed nothing, which is all he could spare.

And with that, there are only … 16 or 17 candidates left? Either way, it’s quickly shaping up to be a two-person race, between Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren, who lead in both national polls and in Iowa. Note, too, that in 2007, October - December were critical months for future President Barack Obama in his race against Hillary Clinton. That’s when he wrestled the Black vote away from Hillary. The ultimate success of Warren — who has locked down the college-educated white people vote — may rely on her ability to do the same thing.