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Labor Secretary Resigns/Is Forced Out Amid Pressure Over Jeffrey Epstein Deal

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | July 12, 2019 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | July 12, 2019 |


Democrats have been calling on Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta to resign for days over the sweetheart deal he negotiated as a U.S. Attorney in 2008 for Jeffrey Epstein, and now that he has, it’s little more than a headline story, although I suppose that’s the way it’s supposed to work. Someone does something bad, we create a big stink, we put pressure on them to resign, they try to put out the fire, they fail, and eventually they do resign. It’s actually pretty remarkable how effective public pressure has been in removing employees from the White House.

On the flip side, Trump usually replaces these people with even worse people, and he often names them as “acting” cabinet officials in order to get around Senate confirmation.

In any respect, Trump says that Acosta resigned on his own, but that’s probably not entirely true. He was probably forced out after the White House told him not to hold a press conference. He did anyway, and then he performed poorly.

Ultimately, this is the long and short of it:

And that’s that. But, without comment, I am going to leave this here for you.