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Kanye Enters Trump Tower; Social Media Explodes

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | December 13, 2016 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | December 13, 2016 |

After setting a firm date of December 15th for a press conference revealing how he would extricate himself from his considerable business conflicts, Donald Trump took to Twitter yesterday to announce that he’d be postponing that press conference until January.

Obviously, the real reason that Trump postponed the press conference is that he has yet to figure out how to separate himself from his business conflicts in any meaningful way, and I suspect that he doesn’t want to announce a plan that will be a non-starter with the press before the Electoral College makes their decision. He also has a history of planning announcements that he has never actually followed through on (remember the press conference Melania was set to hold to discuss her visa issues?)

Leaving his business to his sons will not erase the conflicts, so long as Donald Trump (or his family) has an active interest in those companies. Moreover, even if his company doesn’t make any new deals during his administration, it doesn’t remove the fact that Trump owes money to banks; that his employees will expect a certain wage; and that branding on his existing properties can and will create conflicts around the globe. The conflicts are vast and his debt alone should be disqualifying. He has millions in debt, and much of that is with German and Chinese banks.

Newsweek also posted this morning an extensive look at the many business conflicts his presidency would be embroiled in, and how Trump’s business interests could affect policy. Mother Jones runs down his millions in debt, and where that debt resides . Vox, meanwhile, has a running list of all of his conflicts in bullet-point form.

The issue right now is business conflicts. Don’t let Donald Trump distract from that.

Oh, and Kanye West and his entourage entered Trump Tower this morning.

Twitter exploded.

Keep your eye on the ball, people.