By Dustin Rowles | Politics | April 26, 2019 |
By Dustin Rowles | Politics | April 26, 2019 |
To reiterate again, I am trying not to take a position on next year’s Democratic primary (but, ahem), I’m just following the political news. And in today’s political news, Biden’s Presidential announcement video yesterday focused a lot on Donald Trump’s “both sides” comments with regard to Charlottesville, a comment that actually did result in Trump’s approval ratings dropping to around the lowest level of his Presidency. It’s probably not something that Trump would want in the news again.
What’s that? Trump, in defending himself, has put it in the news again?
BREAKING: Trump just defended the white supremacists behind Charlottesville, basically acting like they were a bunch of historians. Heather Heyer was murdered by one of those nazis. Trump is a traitor and a disgrace. #AmericansForImpeachment
— Scott Dworkin (@funder) April 26, 2019
It was all about a Robert E. Lee monument, Trump says, and oh, by the way, Robert E. Lee was a “great general”?
Which part of the chant, “Jews will not replace us,” was about the Robert E. Lee Monument, Trump?
In case you forgot what really happened in Charlottesville
— VICE News (@vicenews) April 26, 2019
Even Fox News stuck their foot in it when — in internal emails — two Fox reporters tried to defend Trump’s “both sides” comment, and got called out by a third Fox News reporter, who said that invoking Churchill in this instance was “offensive,” adding, “I really don’t understand the point you are making,” he wrote. “Jarrod Kuhn was one of those individuals in Charlottesville holding a tiki torch while the mob chanted ‘Jews will not replace us.’”
A Fox News reporter on Thursday called out two of his colleagues for sounding “like a White Supremacist chat room” when they attempted to defend Trump’s “both sides” comment about Charlottesville, according to internal emails reviewed by The Daily Beast
— The Daily Beast (@thedailybeast) April 26, 2019
Meanwhile, some very defensive Republicans are trying to suggest that the “very fine people” remark was a “false memory.”
Just remember: that memory you have of the president saying there are “fine people” on both sides after Charlottesville, which you can confirm at any moment by googling it, is a false memory, because far-right grift YouTube can just defy reality now.
— Ben Collins (@oneunderscore__) March 17, 2019
A defensive Trump is also trying to suggest that Biden is too old and low energy to run for President (Biden is 76; Trump is 72).
President Trump responds to former VP Joe Biden's campaign announcement with criticism about his age: "I am a young, vibrant man"
— CBS News (@CBSNews) April 26, 2019
Biden’s not my guy, but he seems like he has Trump shook.