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Republicans Are Really Bad At Analogies

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | April 13, 2017 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | April 13, 2017 |

Two days ago, Sean Spicer said that Bashar al-Assad was worse than Hitler. That comparison did not go over well. Today, Jeffrey Lord — CNN’s Brown Noser in Chief — offered that Donald Trump is the Martin Luther King, Jr. of healthcare.

I’m going to let you guess how that played with Symone Sanders.

If you can’t bring yourself to watch it, Sanders ends her response thusly:

“So let’s not equate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a humanitarian and Nobel Peace Prize winner with the vagina grabbing President, Donald Trump.”

The CNN anchor’s “oh boy,” response says it all.

Here are a few Twitter responses anyway.