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Jared Kushner Is Likely Toast

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | December 1, 2017 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | December 1, 2017 |

Before the big news, quickly the other big news: It looks like the Senate has the votes to pass the GOP tax plan. They do not, as of this writing, yet have a final bill, and they’re adding amendments left and right (many to provide loopholes to certain corporations/constituencies). It’s still gotta go back to the House, and then the Senate will need to vote on any changes, but it looks like it will probably get done, unless of course Donald Trump is drummed out of office by Monday.

That’s not going to happen.

However, it does appear that Jared Kushner is next in line. NBC, Bloomberg and the AP are reporting that he is the “very senior adviser” who directed Michael Flynn’s contacts with Russia.

OK, so where does that leave us? It’s all speculative at this point, but here is my guess: Kushner is toast. However, I think on the Russian collusion/coordination question, he’s the end of the line. I think that Kushner orchestrated it all behind the scenes. I also think that Trump knew about it, and benefited from it, but I don’t think he actually coordinated/colluded. (Trump wouldn’t know how). Honestly, I think that Trump probably took all his cues from Kushner who he — as you recall at the time — basically thought of as the golden boy who could do no wrong (Trump’s opinion of his son-in-law has soured some since then). Kushner, recall, was the one who tried to set up a SECRET BACK CHANNEL to communicate with Russia.

I don’t think Kushner is going to flip, because I think that he’s the end of the line. I think he’s going to face a nice long prison sentence. However, I think there is plenty of evidence to get Trump for obstruction of justice, many of those steps of which were taken to protect not only himself but Michael Flynn and Jared Kushner. I suspect Trump may engage in even more obstruction as he attempts to protect himself and Kushner from what’s about to hit them.

Total speculation, of course.