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'Morning Joe' Spent the Morning Suggesting that Donald Trump Is Suffering from Dementia

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | May 2, 2017 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | May 2, 2017 |

Some guy who runs the most powerful nation on the planet (or what used to be the most powerful nation on the planet) is under the strange assumption that there was a deal to be had leading up to the Civil War. That there was a compromise to be had on the issue of owning black people. He also believes that a man who had not been President for 23 years before the Civil War broke out, and had in fact been dead for 15 years, could have prevented the war through compromise.

He also believes that Andrew Jackson — who owned 150 slaves at the time of his death — was “angry” about the Civil War. He probably was angry, because he didn’t want to end slavery. This is the same man who encouraged his slaves to form family units — not out of care — but because it made them less likely to escape.

This particular argument, by the way, is a really weird one to make, and it suggests that Trump believes that Andrew Jackson was a better President than Lincoln, and that Jackson could’ve worked out a deal.

This argument is not one a sane, rational person makes.

For the record, however, Jon Meacham — who won a Pulitzer Prize for his Andrew Jackson biography — disagrees with Trump’s assessment. In fact, as Meacham says here, Lincoln actually did try to compromise, but when the South insisted on expanding slavery to the West — limiting it only to the South — Lincoln was like, “Nope. This is a human rights problem, and this is a necessary war.”

Also, Meacham — in a very intelligent way — basically suggests that Trump’s head is not on right.

He’s not wrong, and sometimes friend Joe Scarborough — who also talked to Meacham today — actually thinks that Trump may be suffering from dementia. I’m not sure why he’s asking historian Meacham about Trump’s mental state, but Meacham also believes that Trump’s mentally confused.

“It’s disturbing … what’s really concerning me is that there is no one in the White House who can get him to stop talking … he’s blithering, right and left … and no one can stop him. … he doesn’t seem to remember what he said five minutes ago … he doesn’t seem to know his own positions … he seems confused.”

We may not need impeachment, folks. We may just need to trigger the 25th Amendment.