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Midday Briefing: Now He's Done It. Donald Trump Has Lost the McPoyle Vote

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | August 21, 2019 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | August 21, 2019 |


  • It’s been one of those days, politically speaking. Following up earlier on Trump’s insane comments re: Jews, he tweeted this:

    First off: Wayne Allyn Root is a loony conservative nutjob who has promoted a number of untrue conspiracy theories (including birtherism, the Seth Rich conspiracy, etc.). Second, none of that is true. Third, Jews don’t believe in the Second Coming. Fourth, Root is basically calling Trump Jesus, which should be sacrilege to every Christian, too. Have I covered all the bases?

    Oh wait, one more: Trump lost the McPoyle vote.

  • Trump canceled a meeting with Denmark’s Prime Minister because Denmark won’t sell him Greenland. There are no longer words for how dumb this timeline is.

  • Not that any of you doubted it, but Trump’s flirtation with background checks — not the first flirtation, mind you — ended yesterday after he spoke with the head of the N.R.A., Wayne LaPierre. Now, he’s back on his mental health bullshit again.

    The president told Mr. LaPierre that he wanted to focus on mental health and access to juvenile criminal records. Those measures fall far short of the sweeping new restrictions that Democrats sought and that Mr. Trump said he was prepared to endorse in the immediate aftermath of the mass shootings on Aug. 3 and 4 that left more than 30 dead.

  • Oh, Joe: The first rule of Democrats is never talk about your crowd size. Let your crowd size speak for itself. Also, the rebuttal here is embarrassing. Ouch

  • Meanwhile, in my neck of the woods in one of the most hotly contested races for Senate in 2020, Susan Collins is not doing well among Democrats, who have helped put her in office over the years.

    Meanwhile, the Maine House Speaker — Sarah Gideon, who is Collins’ leading Democratic opponent — is hitting Collins where it hurts the most in Maine, on health care. From the Press Herald:

    “It all comes down to facts, and the fact is Susan Collins voted for this law that has allowed this court challenge to happen, that endangers pre-existing condition protections for people and potentially could throw 20 million people off of their health insurance,” Gideon said in an interview with the Press Herald after speaking at an event in Portland that highlighted the Trump administration’s efforts to repeal the ACA. The Protect Our Care bus tour is barnstorming the country and had two stops in Maine on Monday, in Bangor and Portland. Protect Our Care is a national, left-leaning health care advocacy group.

    Yes, folks: That stupid tax bill that Collins and other Republicans voted for that benefits the wealthy has also endangered Obamacare and preexisting conditions. Tell all your friends.

    That said, it’s probably still gonna be a barn burner if Collins decides to run. She could still get primaried or decide not to run, because her wishy-washiness has not exactly endeared her to a lot of Republicans in the state, either.

  • Joe Walsh, the former Congressman turned radio host, is weighing a run against Donald Trump in the primary. He’s actually been very vocal and reasoned in his criticisms of Trump on Twitter for the last year or so. He also apologized for helping to put “an unfit con man into the White House.” However, reminder, he also said this:

    — When Sean Spicer left the White House, everyone assumed this would eventually be in the cards. The card has now been played, and it’s the Joker.