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If You Think Sean Spicer Has a Bad Temper Now, Read This One Thing He Wrote in College

By Kylie Cheung | Politics | February 28, 2017 |

By Kylie Cheung | Politics | February 28, 2017 |

Press secretary Sean Spicer is arguably as hot-headed as the intemperate, perpetually red-faced man he serves. We’ve seen him yell at journalists at press conferences, and those are the journalists who are lucky enough to not be thrown out.

Now, one might naturally assume that frustration and bitterness just come naturally when your day job requires you to defend the indefensible with painful mental gymnastics, and constantly get called out on your sloppily disguised bullshit. But as it turns out, long before Spicer took on what is probably this most difficult gig, he was already a pretty angry guy — and, fittingly, pretty hostile to media, too.

As a refresher, Spicer attended Connecticut College back in the day, and he was not a fan of the campus newspaper, the College Voice, which once inadvertently identified him as *gasp* “Sean Sphincter.” Careless mistakes like this in news media are hardly encouraged, but they certainly happen, and where the occasional name misspelling is concerned, no harm really arises.

Or, that is, unless you’re Sean-freaking-Spicer and you’re a simultaneously sensitive and very angry little snowflake.

The misspelling prompted Spicer to literally write an infuriated letter to the editor, which the Voice published under the headline “Spicer calls Voice ‘unprofessional’.” Chill, dude.

“Maybe I am not all that familiar with the production of a ‘newspaper,’” Spicer wrote in his letter, throughout which air quotes are used in tasteless excess. “But I am really not sure how this can be explained as unintentional. While I would understand, and at this point even expect a misspelling or a misquote, this goes well beyond that.”

He continued:

“While I as an individual have had to bear all the repercussions, the people responsible have been able to hide behind the shield of the College Voice and the First Amendment. The First Amendment does uphold the right (to) free speech and a free press, which I respect, however this situation goes beyond the bounds of free speech.”

Next time any conservative Twitter troll calls you a “liberal snowflake,” please, oh please just wave this in their face.

The full letter in all its unnecessarily indignant glory is embedded in this tweet: