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How To Help The Protestors On The Front Lines: An Incomplete List Of Places To Donate

By Jodi Smith | Politics | June 1, 2020 |

By Jodi Smith | Politics | June 1, 2020 |


I took a month off for my mental health, as I didn’t leave my house at all from March 13th until sometime in late April… or was it early May? Either way, things were nuttier than usual in my noggin, kids. I was prepared mentally for the current situation but still surprised when police decided to show Americans they do not give a sh*t about them and will use their capacity as so-called protectors of communities by killing the black people living in them and then tear-gassing and using mace on anyone that disagrees.

I’m angry, to put it mildly.

However, I’m one of those anxiety cases that is more than willing to speak up but unable to actually brave the crowds and uncertainty to take part in a protest. I do back everyone that can do that all of the way. Sharing news from the frontlines provided by those who were there and standing firm in a commitment to make my position clear is fine, but there are more things that we all can do to assist those people being sprayed in the face with mace while sitting quietly — some with children with them — and then being arrested or treated to violence.

This is a list of organizations, bail funds, and other things that need our money so those that can physically participate can keep going for all of us.

ActBlue has set up a one-stop-shop, allowing people to donate to 38 community bail funds in one place.

Matthew Cherry has a thread of community bail funds as well, possibly providing some not listed on ActBlue’s site.

Know Your Rights Camp seeks to “advance the liberation and well-being of Black and Brown communities through education, self-empowerment, mass-mobilization and the creation of new systems that elevate the next generation of change leaders.” And they need donations to do that.

Unicorn Riot is committed to “exposing root causes of dynamic social and environmental issues through amplifying stories and exploring sustainable alternatives in today’s globalized world.”

Campaign Zero advocates for a change in policing policies via state, federal, and local changes to laws.

The Freedom Fund assists LGBTQ+ people with a bail fund, as they are “three times more likely to be arrested” and jailed.

This is the Official George Floyd Memorial Fund. As of the time of this writing, it has raised $7,358,110 raised of its $1,500,000 goal to assist the children of Floyd as they continue to live in a world without their father.

Black Lives Matter Chicago.

Black Lives Matter Philadelphia.

National Black Lives Matter Organization.

Header Image Source: Getty Images