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Highlights from Donald Trump's Sit Down with the 'NYTimes'

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | November 22, 2016 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | November 22, 2016 |

After setting up a meeting with the NYTimes and then canceling on the meeting (after his Chief of Staff lied to him in order to trick him into canceling), Donald Trump had his sit-down with the executive editors of the newspaper today. Several of the NYTimes reporters tweeted Trump’s responses as he was giving them. You can read it all here, but here’s a quick summary of the highlights:

I think this is something that 1.8 million more Hillary voters than Trump voters can agree upon.

On the Alt-Right:

On Stephen Bannon:

Awwww. Poor racist man gets his feelings hurt. Reminder: This is a quote from Stephen Bannon:

“That’s why there are some unintended consequences of the women’s liberation movement. That, in fact, the women that would lead this country would be pro-family, they would have husbands, they would love their children. They wouldn’t be a bunch of dykes that came from the Seven Sisters schools up in New England. That drives the left insane and that’s why they hate these women.”

Just like he wouldn’t hire Jeff Sessions, right?

Right, it’s just a publication.


The problem with interviews being conducted via Twitter is that we can’t tell if he’s winking or not.

On prosecuting Hillary:

He doesn’t actually have the power to prosecute Hillary Clinton and Hillary DID NOTHING WRONG, but uh, good for him?

He spent six months railing against the Clinton Foundation and now he says that it does “good work.”

On his conflicts of interests:

This is both true and COMPLETELY NOT TRUE. Ethically, it’s f*cked. Legally, it depends. Anything he receives from a foreign government that can in anyway seen as enriching him or looks like a “gift,” is unconstitutional. But no: The conflict of interest laws do not technically apply to the President and Vice President. The law is somewhat unsettled, because there’s never been a reason to apply it.

Give me a break, Donny.

Meanwhile, this is just plain terrifying.

It’s called a kleptocracy.

This is exactly what I was talking about yesterday. He is going to torch any Republican who doesn’t fully support him.

On the Middle East:

Generations of the smartest people on the planet haven’t been able to pull it off, so maybe Jared Kushner could? (Actually, if Kushner does pull off the impossible, I’d actually be OK with that. I’m not going to look a gift Middle Eastern peace in the mouth).