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Highlights from Donald Trump and Mike Pence's Painfully Awkward '60 Minutes' Interview

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | July 18, 2016 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | July 18, 2016 |

If you have not yet seen Donald Trump and Mike Pence’s first interview together, which aired on 60 Minutes last night, and don’t want to suffer through the entire 20 minutes, here’s a quick 100 seconds that encapsulates the trainwreck.

In short, Trump bullshitted his way through the entire interview, he barely let Pence get a word in, he excused Pence’s vote for the Iraq War saying that he was, “entitled to make a mistake,” but that Hillary “is not,” and he based his experience with religion on the fact that he won the evangelical vote.

Not included in the above clip: The moment Mike Pence was asked about Trump’s comments on John McCain, and Trump refused to let him answer the question.

I do not support Mike Pence’s policies, but I actually found myself feeling sorry for the guy. He looked lost, and he had a pained expression the entire interview, as though he were wondering, “What have I done? What the hell am I doing here?”

That poor, miserable bigoted bastard.