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Gretchen Carlson Has Tons Of Proof Of Fox News' Sexist Environment, Thanks To Youtube

By Kristy Puchko | Politics | July 9, 2016 |

By Kristy Puchko | Politics | July 9, 2016 |

Since former Fox and Friends co-host Gretchen Carlson left the network and filed a sexual harassment lawsuit against Fox News chairman and CEO Roger Ailes, two dueling narratives have risen.

Carlson says she was subject to “severe and pervasive sexual harassment” courtesy of Ailes. According to her, the CEO made inappropriate comments and sexual advances toward her. When rebuffed, he sabotaged her career by not renewing her contract and canceling her afternoon show The Real Story with Gretchen Carlson.

Ailes’s response is that Carlson made up stories of sexual harassment when she realized she was being let go. Because everyone knows filing such a complaint makes you a hot commodity on the job market. Oh right, it doesn’t. But women, amirite? So emotional and irrational.


But Carlson also claims the network ignored her complaints about the sexist behavior of Fox and Friends co-host Steve Doocy. Of course, we don’t know what happened behind the scenes at Fox News. But we do know the sexist bullshit that went on in front of the camera:

And this Bloomberg Politics piece is just the latest supercut of Fox News sexism. How about some “casual sexism” from Gawker:

Here’s 70 more examples from Media Matters 4 America:

And there’s much, much more. About 45,000 more according to Youtube search results.

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Forget “Fair and balanced.” When it comes to women, Fox News’ motto is “Know your role and shut your mouth.”

Kristy Puchko isn’t so much an angry feminist as much as an exhausted one.