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Greta Thunberg Scorched Trump On Twitter And It Was Perfect

By Kristy Puchko | Politics | November 6, 2020 |

By Kristy Puchko | Politics | November 6, 2020 |


17-year-old environmentalist Greta Thunberg has endured a lot of abuse from conservatives as she’s battled for climate change legislation. Donald Trump even used his platform as president to trash talk the minor who’d become the poster girl for preservation. Well, while Trump was losing his mind with a string of election-spurred Twitter tantrums, Thunberg coolly responded with a real scorcher.

But to understand the full impact, we’ve got to step back to December of last year. That was when Time Magazine named Thunberg their Person of the Year.

As Trump is obsessed with being on the cover of Time, that really chapped his ass. So, this is how the then 73-year-old responded to a teenager being praised for her selfless activism.

At the time, Thunberg responded by cheekily changing her Twitter bio.


Now, let’s fast forward to yesterday. Trump is freaking out, because a win is not certain. In fact, he’s losing ground. So out comes a barrage of bellowing tweets, including some that Twitter flagged for bullsh*t.

Imagine if Twitter had done this like four years ago?

Anyhow, in the midst of all that misinformation and moaning, Thunberg dropped this tweet.

There was much rejoicing over this sharply executed burn.

There was also a bunch of Trump Stumpers yelling at a 17-year-old, because Trumpers gonna Trump. We don’t need that nonsense here. But I’m including one, because shot/chaser.

In summary: