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Go Ahead. Vote Your Conscience at the Polls

By Courtney Enlow | Politics | November 2, 2016 |

By Courtney Enlow | Politics | November 2, 2016 |

After months of speculation (not really; we knew where this was going the second the nation forsook her and didn’t elect Bernie Sanders to the president of this organic farm co-op) Susan Sarandon has finally announced that she will not “vote with [her] vagina” and will instead vote her conscience. And her conscience comes in the form of Jill Stein. Anti-vax, GMO fearmongering (seriously, being anti-GMOs is some white nonsense) Jill Stein who thinks we’re murdering child brains with wi-fi and was pro-Brexit until she got called out and then was all “oh weird, you should clear your cache because it’s definitely your cache’s fault.” Because conscience.

I’m going to share a hugely unpopular opinion. I genuinely don’t care if people cannot bring themselves to vote for Hillary Clinton as long as they have good reasons for it. And the issue is that it is a goddamn struggle to separate the genuinely decent reasons to not vote Hillary Clinton from the outright smears, lies and conspiratorial bullshit that has plagued the woman her entire career. People whose lives and families were impacted by mass incarceration or her role in the Middle East, these are valid reasons that should not be diminished or downplayed (and believe me, I’ve done it). People concerned with emails or perceived untrustworthiness or supposed fucking murders or just general political things that politicians do but it’s bad because it’s her, no. And so often we see the latter piggybacking on the former, largely white men co-opting POC pain not because they care but because it lets them add to their list of reasons that this is a Bad Woman Who Is Bad, often throwing it in the faces of pro-Hillary POC to tell them how wrong they are.

It’s been a dumb gross year.

So go ahead and by all means vote your conscience. Vote for the candidate that speaks to who you are and what you believe.

But if there’s any part of you that can be swayed, please do remember that these people are voting their consciences too. And there might be more of them.






