By Kristy Puchko | Politics | August 20, 2015 |
By Kristy Puchko | Politics | August 20, 2015 |
You wonder how misogynistic blowhard Donald Trump is ahead in the polls (though Deez Nuts is gaining.) Well, because there’s a contingent of the U.S. who happily laps up the intense sexism of Fox News on a daily basis. But thanks to Media Matters For America, you don’t need to waste away watching hours on end of this gross bigotry to get the point.
Warning: This video is so chock full of sexist bullshit it may cause fire to burst forth from your eyes and melt your computer screen.
In case you can’t stomach the whole video, allow me to summarize. It’s a lot of talk about women’s place (the kitchen), their roles (keeping hot/their husband’s satisfied, women be shopping), and even a bit of fashion talk when one male correspondent proudly shows off his cufflinks that depict a caveman dragging a woman by the hair in one hand and a club in the other. (Available now at Abercrombie and Bitch!)
But here’s the best—and by best I mean the most mind-boggling—bits, paired with this reporter’s reactions:
“I think a man should be able to veto a woman’s abortion.”
“Dietary Dominatrix Michelle Obama”
“Is there something about the female brain that is a deterrent for getting on board with tech?”
“Dating is legal prostitution.”
“You’re making a mistake (working)! You’d be much happier at home with a husband and children.”
“That’s why divorce rates are so high. (Shrugs) Women don’t know how to take care of their men anymore.” — Stacey Dash
“Female happiness is an oxymoron.”
“Aren’t you just more prone to be scatterbrained?”
“I love women!…I love the women’s movement—especially walking behind it!” —Rush Limbaugh
H/T The Mary Sue
Kristy Puchko is not so much an angry feminist as an exhausted one.