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Former Trump Aide Melts Down on MSNBC, Says Trump 'May Have Done Something'

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | March 5, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | March 5, 2018 |


Update below: Nunberg also just told Jake Tapper that Carter Page was colluding with the Russians.

So, I’m not entirely sure what to make of this bonkers interview between MSNBC’s Katy Tur and a former Trump campaign aide, Sam Nunberg. Nunberg is a nutcase. He was fired by Trump early in the campaign because he called Obama a “Socialist Marxist Islamo Fascist Nazi Appeaser,” and he called Al Sharpton’s daughter the N-word.

So, not a good guy. He also hates Donald Trump, in part because Trump fired him. He’s had a lot of bad words for Trump (and Kushner) over the last couple of years. But he is a protégé of Roger Stone, and I guess that there are a lot of email and text conversations between Nunberg and Stone and Steve Bannon. Nunberg — who was subpoenaed by a Mueller grand jury — is refusing to comply. He says he will not show up even if it means going to jail.

That sounds like someone may be hiding something.

Tur: “If you’re going to defy a grand jury subpoena, are you worried about being in held of contempt of court?”

Nunberg: “Let’s see what Mr. Mueller does.”

Tur: “Are you worried about getting arrested?”

Nunberg: “I think it would be funny if they arrested me.”

Tur: “If you’re held in contempt of court, wouldn’t you have higher legal bills?”

Nunberg: “I think it would be really, really funny that they wanted to arrest me because I didn’t want to spend 80 hours going over e-mails that I had with Steve Bannon and Roger Stone.”

Later in the interview, Nunberg also said, “I think my lawyer’s gonna dump me right now.”

This, however, may prove to be the most interesting clip: Numberg says that Trump “may have done something during the campaign.”

What do we make of it? Who knows! This is the same guy, after all, who appeared to be drunk on a Joy Reid appearance last January.

Twitter is loving the meltdown, though.

He also appeared on CNN right after MSNBC. It wasn’t any better.
