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For Liberals to Be Outraged about Vince Vaughn Would Assume that Liberals Give a Sh*t About Vince Vaughn

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | January 14, 2020 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | January 14, 2020 |


Last night, Timothy Burke — formerly of Deadspin and The Daily Beast — posted this to Twitter.

That’s Vince Vaughn having a civil conversation with Donald Trump at the National Championship game (LSU defeated Clemson). This morning, we woke up to Vince Vaughn trending on Twitter and a number of articles in the right wing-o-sphere to the effect of liberals being outraged by Vince Vaughn’s civil conversation with Donald Trump. To wit:

Screen Shot 2020-01-14 at 10.22.00 AM.png

“Who cares?” is absolutely right, and if you want to look at the receipts on Twitter, 99 percent of the people who do care all appear to be right-wing nutjobs expressing outrage because one liberal Vince Vaughn fan with a Twitter account said that he wouldn’t watch a Wedding Crashers sequel now.

But the reality outside of the crazytown right-wing Twitter bubble is that no one wants to see a Wedding Crashers sequel, because no one gives a shit about Vince Vaughn anymore, least of all liberals. I say that as someone who used to adore Vince Vaughn (check the archives, including that goddamn review for The Internship), and it’s not about Vaughn’s politics (we’ve always known he was a “libertarian”). It’s because Vince Vaughn ceased to be relevant sometime around when he made nine box-office duds in a row plus a shitty season of True Detective before he decided to lean into his politics and star in movies with Mel Gibson and right-wing themes.

It’s hard to feel any outrage for someone we simply do not care about. No one cares about Vince Vaughn. Not even Republicans care about Vince Vaughn. The only people that arguably might care about Vince Vaughn are investors in RedBox, and even they are like, “Honestly, we have plenty of Nic Cage and John Cusack movies now. We probably won’t miss him, either.”

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