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Federal Prosecutors Have Gathered Evidence that Donald Trump Possibly Broke Campaign-Finance Laws

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | November 9, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | November 9, 2018 |


This morning, while taking questions from reporters, Donald Trump continued to behave like a racist crank who had just had his ass handed to him by the Democrats. In addition to tweeting repeatedly — and without evidence — of election fraud in Florida, Trump berated another Black female reporter:

He also said that he didn’t know when or if Jim Acosta would get his White House credentials back, and he suggested he might take other press passes away from reporters who “didn’t respect the Presidency.” In other words, it’s perfectly OK for Trump to be contentious with reporters, but if they push back, they could be banned. It’s all very “we’re living in China” now.

There are probably a few reasons why Trump is being even more GrumpyPants Fascist than usual this week. In addition to the Blue Wave that crashed into the Republican party this week, there’s also speculation that Don Jr. could soon be indicted, that Mueller is preparing his final report. Now it seems that federal prosecutors have amassed evidence, based on testimony from Michael Cohen and scores of documents, that Trump violated campaign-finance laws. And yes, of course, this has everything to do with Stormy Daniels, but also Karen McDougal.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Trump discussed the Clifford and Daniels settlements “every step of the way,” and every effort was made to make the deals without leaving Trump’s fingerprints on them.

Trump is currently en route to Paris. It’s probably for the best, because the first reporter that asks him about this will probably get the boot.

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