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Elizabeth Warren Is Perfection

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | October 11, 2019 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | October 11, 2019 |


Before I get started on another day of Trumpdates* (thanks again, Nateman), can we just take a moment to appreciate this Elizabeth Warren response to a question asked by an audience member during last night’s LGBTQ Town Hall? Because it is perfection. Watch the whole way through.

Well, there goes the MRA vote.

Meanwhile, uh, Joe Biden also appeared at that town hall. Ooof.

Biden, uh, also joked that he was about to come out as gay and mimed kissing Anderson Cooper.

In case you are wondering how the race is shaping up, here’s the latest Fox News poll.

But you shouldn’t believe that poll, y’all, because the Chief White House Correspondent for OANN (a pro-Trump news organization) says that Paul Ryan is hiring a polling firm run by liberal activists.