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Election Updates: 12 Days to Go (And Now We Know Why Trump Walked Out of the '60 Minutes' Interview)

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | October 22, 2020 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | October 22, 2020 |


12:33 — Here’s the clip of Trump’s last interaction with Stahl before walking out.

Good question!

Meanwhile, why does this creep me out?

12:22 — It was, I shit you not: MAGA2020.

The same guy hacked the President’s Twitter account in 2016, too, when the password was “yourefired.”

12:00 — I think with 12 days to go, we should stop calling them Trumpdates. It’s not all about Trump. There’s another guy in this race, too. His name is Joe Biden. He’s a good guy. Here he is visiting Parkland survivors:

Speaking of Biden, he’s crushing it in Virginia right now, which will help those down-ballot candidates, too. Meanwhile, here’s Biden on 60 Minutes trying to play politics by not playing politics with the Supreme Court, which I don’t hate. In theory, I am against court-packing. In practice, pack. the. fucking. court. It’s the only way to compensate for the court packing engaged in by the Republicans, as well as the 8 years they stole from us in the Electoral College.

Meanwhile, here’s Donald Trump on his 60 Minutes appearance, set to air this Sunday.

Trump stormed out of his interview yesterday after 45 minutes and did not return. He did release the unedited footage this morning. This is how it began:

Having watched some of the interview now, it appears that Trump was mostly mad about the fact that Stahl was asking him “tough questions” and he didn’t want to be asked tough questions, because Biden wasn’t asked tough questions, so it’s not fair! “He’s never been asked a question that’s hard,” Trump whined. “You started with me, and the first thing you asked was, ‘Are you ready for tough questions’? That’s no way to talk. That’s no way to talk?”

He then ended the interview. He walked out because Stahl told him she would ask tough questions, and then she asked tough questions, and he’s upset that Biden gets “softball after softball.”

The final debate is tonight, and ahead of it, Trump has been attacking the moderator Kristen Welker all week. Mics will be cut off during the two-minute answer sessions, so we might actually get to hear some uninterrupted answers.

Finally, here’s Rudy this morning — in a now-deleted tweet — referring to Borat as a real person.

I saw the movie. I saw what Giuliani did. Like a corpse fondling itself. It kept me awake last night. Haunted by the image. *shudders*

Header Image Source: Getty Images