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Dylan Marron Continues to Be the Best of Humanity, Tells Trump Supporters 'I Love You'

By Courtney Enlow | Politics | November 10, 2016 |

By Courtney Enlow | Politics | November 10, 2016 |

In the face of terror, Dylan Marron remains, as ever, a beautiful beacon of hope.

With his videos at Seriously.TV, Marron has discussed toxic masculinity, white feminism, and police brutality, among other topics. He’s wonderful and positive and he believes in goodness and making a difference. Even when it’s hard.

This video…this one could not have been easy. Marron, a gay man of color, offers his love to Trump supporters, James Comey, Taylor Swift and even Trump himself (kind of).

For those of us who aren’t there yet and may never get there, we can at least be inspired by people Dylan Marron. We don’t have to love these people. But we have to use our voices in any way we can.