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Donald Trump Tries to Break Up with His Advisory Council Before They Break Up With Him

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | August 16, 2017 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | August 16, 2017 |

As of earlier today, eight CEOs have dropped out of Donald Trump’s manufacturing advisory council, including the most recent departures, the CEOs of 3M and Campbell’s Soup. Earlier today, Politico reported that the economic council was in disarray, and that CEOs had a phone call meeting this morning and discussed disbanding completely.

Trump is trying to beat them to the punch.

Uh, yeah. Dude. No one’s buying it. You cannot fire people who have already quit.

I’ll remind you all, as well, that Trump posted this just yesterday.

Screen Shot 2017-08-16 at 1.33.00 PM.jpg

Uh huh. Those CEOs are lining up, aren’t they, Donny?

Now I’d like to see Trump fire everyone in the White House before they quit, too (please quit! Come on, people! For the love of God, what are you waiting for?)

Meanwhile, someone is coming home early. Maybe he thinks he’ll have a new position waiting for him.