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Donald Trump Supporters Proudly Display their Economic Anxiety

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | November 7, 2016 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | November 7, 2016 |

A lot of people are saying that what’s fueling Donald Trump’s supporters this year is economic anxiety. I think those people are definitely right. It’s definitely economic anxiety. The economic anxiety here is palpable.

When you’re deciding whether the lines are too long to stand on election day tomorrow, or whether it’s really worth the effort, remember this: If Trump wins, the “economic anxiety” crowd wins, and it’s not just that they’ll win, they’ll feel justified in expressing that economic anxiety. “We were right,” they will say. “We are on the correct side of history,” they will say. “The vote count proves it!” They will chant “Grab that pussy! Grab that pussy!” during Trump’s acceptance speech, they will celebrate the wall they think will be built to keep out people in other countries trying to steal our economic anxieties. A win for Trump will validate every bullying taunt they’ve engaged in over the last 16 months, and it will strengthen their resolve to continue doing so, to continue berating the “libtards,” the “cucks,” and the “Jew c*nts.”

So remember that economic anxiety tomorrow morning when you’re deciding whether to stand in line and vote or get that extra 20 minutes of sleep or make that detour to Starbucks instead. Just think about the middle finger all those Trump supporters will give you for wearing your “Don’t Boo, Vote,” “Nasty Girl,” or “I’m with Her!” T-shirts.