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Are You F--king Kidding Me?

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | July 24, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | July 24, 2018 |


Nearly two years after the election, the top law enforcement officer in the country is still saying “lock her up” in front of a crowd of … high school students. Are you fucking kidding me?

Even after retiring, this is the best offense against the President that he can muster. Trolling? Are you fucking kidding me?

Also, holy shit? The guy who stood next to Putin a week ago and praised him, took his word over his own intelligence community, and has refused to say a single bad word about Russia is concerned that Putin — who admitted, on stage, that he wanted Trump to win — is gonna rig the election for the Democrats? Are you fucking kidding me?

Trump is already trying to delegitimize a potential Democratic victory in November, isn’t he? By blaming it on the very people who gave him an illegitimate election.

Are you fucking kidding me?

At least he’s acknowledging Russian interference. Baby steps.