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Morning Briefing: Donald Trump Has Lawyer Problems

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | March 20, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | March 20, 2018 |


OK, let’s start with the lawyer drama. This should lay it out, from the NYTimes:

President Trump’s legal team was poised for a shake-up on Monday, according to two people briefed on the matter, as he openly discussed firing one of his lawyers, another considered resigning and a third — who pushed theories on television that Mr. Trump was framed by the F.B.I. — joined the roster.

For the record, the lawyer Trump wants to fire, Ty Cobb, is the lawyer who insisted that Trump cooperate with the Mueller probe, while the lawyer that may resign, John Dowd, feels as though he has no control over the President’s behavior. Meanwhile, the lawyer Trump is hiring is a conspiracy theorist who believes there was a deep-state conspiracy to hurt Trump and aid Hillary Clinton (man, if that’s true, the deep state suuuuuuucks at their job. Be better, Deep State!).

All of this lawyer drama comes as the legal team is trying to figure out how to approach a sit down between Mueller and Trump, which would most certainly result in a perjury charge or 17.

According to the Washington Post, Trump has this all figured out!

Trump is not consulting with top advisers, including Chief of Staff John F. Kelly and chief White House lawyer Donald McGahn, on his Russia legal choices or his comments about the probe, according to one person with knowledge of his actions, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe sensitive conversations. He is instead watching television and calling friends, this person said.


Meanwhile, Republicans are suggesting that firing Mueller would be ” “the stupidest thing the president could do” (Orrin Hatch) or “the beginning of the end of his presidency” (Lindsay Graham), but none are making a move to protect Mueller. Democrats, led by Delaware’s Chris Coons, are at least trying, and there is some talk of attaching a bill to the budget bill this Friday (when another government shutdown looms). There is also a bipartisan attempt to include a bill to stabilize the healthcare markets, but Democrats are balking because the Republicans are insisting upon abortion restrictions.

In related news: Predictions from insiders right now see the Democrats picking up 30-45 seats in the House this fall. They only need 24.

Elsewhere, the March for our Lives rallies will be held around the country on Saturday. I urge you to participate. One more reason to do so: There was another school shooting this morning. Early unconfirmed reports suggest three injured.