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We Wish There Was Something That Brought Us as Much Joy as Donald Trump's Blabber Mouth Brings Trevor Noah

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | April 19, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | April 19, 2018 |


Because I don’t watch a lot of cable news, I did not see Donald Trump’s reaction yesterday when a reporter yelled out to ask if the United States had been talking directly with North Korea. This, of course, is supposed to be a secret, but you know how it is with Donald Trump and secrets: He holds his cards close to his chest, but he has them turned around so that everyone can see them.

Trump tried to ignore the question, but holding that secret killed him. He made it about 4 seconds, but the way he responded? Priceless.

But nothing is as joyful as the giddy, cackling schoolboy laughter it elicited from Trevor Noah. Jump to the 2:10 mark in this video. I’ve watched this four times already.

When one of North Korea’s bombs comes hurtling toward our cities, I hope we can confront it with that much laughter.